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So far doyston has created 8 blog entries.

Does a de facto relationship exist if you live apart?

In Bahan & Pinder [2021] FEdCFamC2F (11 November 2021), Judge Taglieri considered whether a de facto relationship existed despite the parties living apart for extended periods of time and engaging in sexual encounters with other people. The applicant in this case was an administrative assistant, who lived in Tasmania, and the respondent a fly-in fly-out

Does a de facto relationship exist if you live apart?2022-10-04T07:09:47+11:00

The Show Must Not Go On

Injuries are common enough in sport and recreational activities to be considered an obvious risk to participants. When such injuries occur, it is natural to wonder whether event organisers are responsible and legally liable for the harm suffered. A recent judgment handed down by the High Court dealt with exactly that issue. The facts Tapp

The Show Must Not Go On2022-09-29T22:28:33+10:00

Workplace psychological injuries

Individuals who suffer from stress and psychological injuries arising from their employment often seek the assistance of both their GP and a lawyer to assist them to navigate the claim process. It is not uncommon for there to be additional hurdles associated with claims for psychological injuries due to the complexities associated with both diagnosis,

Workplace psychological injuries2022-09-29T22:35:29+10:00

Workers Compensation: Does It Matter Where My Workers Are Working From?

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many businesses allowing their employees to continue to conduct their employment duties outside of the normal office environment, and instead from remote locations such as their employee’s home. The increased use of technology, such as remote desktops, and communication platforms such as Teams and Zoom, and the utilisation of

Workers Compensation: Does It Matter Where My Workers Are Working From?2022-09-29T22:35:50+10:00

Why Are My Records Being Requested, and Do I Have To Release Them?

Patient-practitioner confidentiality and the requirement for disclosure in legal claims, have long been cause for friction between lawyers and doctors. To assist you with understanding your obligations, and why your patients’ records may be requested when they bring a personal injury claim, we have summarised a few points for you below. Depending upon the stage

Why Are My Records Being Requested, and Do I Have To Release Them?2022-09-29T22:43:11+10:00

Anti-Discrimination in the Workplace – what should it look like?

Discrimination in the workplace can cost more than just money. It can cost the reputation of the business, and the wellbeing of staff. So, it is important that a company has sound measures in place to ensure a discrimination-free workplace. A good place to start is to develop a policy that protects workers from all

Anti-Discrimination in the Workplace – what should it look like?2022-09-29T22:44:25+10:00

The Importance of Medical or Other Expert Reports

A medical (or other) report is often the most important evidence in a claim for compensation. Receiving a request for a report adds to the workload of already busy health professionals. This report, however, can often make the difference in the success of a claim. It can also strongly influence the amount of compensation recoverable.

The Importance of Medical or Other Expert Reports2022-09-29T22:44:57+10:00

Visa Updates for Ukranian Citizens

What's to come next? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.  Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem

Visa Updates for Ukranian Citizens2023-12-21T16:45:18+11:00

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