It’s almost summer, Christmas beckons and it’s likely you will travel. Yes, you are busy with preparation, but now is the perfect time to think about your will!
Snedden Hall & Gallop Lawyers can ensure you have peace of mind wherever you go on your holidays by assisting you in creating or updating your will.
Accidents can happen
Exotic locations and adventurous activities can be exciting, but there is the chance that something can go wrong. Each year almost 1000 Australian travellers die overseas, usually through illness or accident. A valid will ensures your estate is left to the people you care and for whom you wish to provide.
I don’t have a will, but only old people need one
Every adult should have a will. Dying without a valid will can cause a significant amount of financial and emotional hardship for your loved ones, even if you do not have significant assets.
I already have a will
How long ago did you write your will? You should review your will every 2 to 3 years, whenever a major event occurs in your family, or whenever there are significant changes in your assets or the taxation law. You should update your will if:
- You have changed your mind about how you want your estate to be distributed;
- Your relationship status has changed or if you are experiencing matrimonial difficulties;
- There are new members of the family (this can be via birth, adoption, fostering or blended families, just to name a few scenarios)
- You have changed your name;
- An executor has died;
- A beneficiary has died; or
- You have sold property that was designated under the will to a specific person.
What about a power of attorney?
Have you considered what will happen in the event you are unable to make important decisions while you are away? Who will you trust to make decisions on your behalf?
Before you travel, establish a general power of attorney. You can give a trusted person the ability to handle your financial affairs while you are overseas or interstate for an extended period.
How can Snedden Hall & Gallop assist you?
The Wills & Estate team are excited to offer assistance at this busy time of year. Contact us before Christmas to make an appointment to obtain tailored advice regarding creating or updating your will. Our lawyers can be available at either the Deakin or Gungahlin office to ensure your personal documents are as you wish.
At Snedden Hall & Gallop, we have vast experience in ensuring that our clients are supported in the creation of their important personal documents including wills and EPAs. Please book your appointment with us by phone on (02) 6285 8000 or by email.