My colleague Grace King, in a recent article linked here, outlined some important aspects of a Bill that will make changes to the Fair Work Act with respect to casual employees.

The Bill declares that after 12 months engaged in a role and having worked a regular pattern of hours in the previous 6 months, casual employees will either receive an offer of full-time or part-time employment or a notice outlining why they have not received such an offer.

Those changes were effective as of 27 March 2021.

Employers now have 6 months ‘transition period’ to undertake a process of “identification and assessment”. Before 27 September 2021 employers must:

  • conduct an assessment to determine which employees may fall within the scope of the definition of casual employment under the new section 15A; and
  • each of those employees is issued with either:
    • an offer for to convert their casual employment to permanent full-time or part-time employment; or
    • a notice explaining why a conversion offer has not been made.
  • provide employees with the Casual Employment Information Statement published by the Fair Work Ombudsman.

How can we help?

For further information about how the changes to the Fair Work Act may affect you, please contact our Employment Law team on 02 6285 8000 or by email.