AA is an Australian citizen who wanted to obtain a permanent residency for their partner and adopted child, aged 10.
After researching for hours, AA had told us they felt completely confused by the migration system. That is very understandable! The Department of Home Affairs frequently adjusts visa categories and requirements and your eligibility for a visa may depend upon seemingly small details. Finding the appropriate path for your particular situation is really quite difficult.
AA was recommended to the Snedden Hall & Gallop Migration team. We provided a number of options that could achieve a permanent residency visa for their partner and their child. The partner visa appeared to be the best avenue for their partner. This is a two-step process where successful applicants are initially granted a temporary visa that lasts for 17 months. Following this, they must apply for the permanent partner visa. However, the child obtaining a permanent visa added an extra layer of complexity to the situation. The decision was whether the best option was for a child visa or for the child to be an additional application as part of the partner visa. Ultimately, we decided that the child should apply as an additional application on the partner visa.
This resulted in a huge success, with AA’s partner being granted a permanent partner visa in the first instance. Their partner did not need to hold a temporary visa but instead became a permanent resident. The child was also successful in their application.
Gerald Santucci (MARN 9256528), Dominic Cookman (MARN 1789257) are both registered migration agents and worked to support AA and their family through the migration system to a achieve a successful outcome.
Please contact us to discuss any migration issue –whether it be for citizenship, permanent residency or any visa enquiry by phone on (02) 6285 8000 or by email. You can see details of our migration team.