It’s that time of year to think about the women in our lives. At Snedden Hall & Gallop, where over half our team are female, we started to think about what makes these women tick: What are their accomplishments? What do they do in their spare time? And, the all-important question: Do they like pineapple on their pizza?
As a law firm, it’s not surprising that there are a couple of academic qualifications among them: one doctorate, three masters degrees, five graduate diplomas and 15 bachelor degrees! But they didn’t restrict themselves to legal qualifications; between them have qualifications in business, commerce, tourism, education, development studies, science, psychology and population health.
They are a pretty young lot, with an average age of 33, and love their pets – between them they own 26 fish, 11 dogs, 11 chickens, three cats, two birds and one horse.
Like a lot of other Canberrans, they are also a fit lot: you’ll find them playing representative rugby and hockey; fishing for Murray Cod in the Murrumbidgee; on the Oztag or touch football field; pumping iron or working up a sweat in the gym; playing social tennis, golf, baseball or soccer; or enjoying the great outdoors, hiking, running, cycling, horse riding or dragon boating.
But for the answer you’ve really been waiting for: Of the 13 pizza eaters, 12 of them like pineapple on their pizza – and the non-pineapple-lover is allergic to pizza, so she has an excuse.