Delivery Riders, now employees?

In a recent article linked here, I discussed how food delivery partners were considered independent contractors rather than employees and how further regulation could assist in ensuring both their physical and economic safety. In a recent decision made by the Fair Work Commission found, that a food delivery driver was unfairly dismissed and was not

Delivery Riders, now employees?2022-04-03T23:48:38+10:00

Four Facts You Should Know About the ACT’s New Labour Hire Licencing Scheme

Concerns about the labour hire industry are not new, especially issues of wage theft, poor workplace health and safety practices, and denial of worker rights. As a result, the ACT Government has enacted legislation to establish a new Labour Hire Licencing Scheme to help protect workers who are employed under labour hire arrangements, and improve

Four Facts You Should Know About the ACT’s New Labour Hire Licencing Scheme2022-04-03T23:49:10+10:00

Cyber bullying is no longer child’s play

Everyone should be able to feel confident and happy when uploading content or scrolling through social media platforms/providers, without the fear of abuse or being subject to harmful comments or messages. Traditionally the protection of individuals from harassment online has been focused on the youth, with all previous legislation only covering children. In a world

Cyber bullying is no longer child’s play2022-10-04T06:18:14+11:00

Change to Secure Local Job Code – what does it mean?

In the ACT, in order for businesses to be able to provide certain services to the ACT Government, they must obtain certification under the Secure Local Jobs Code (“the Code”). This means that they have gone through an process which includes a compliance audit to demonstrate that the business meets the highest ethical and labour

Change to Secure Local Job Code – what does it mean?2022-10-04T06:17:55+11:00

Whistleblower protection in Australia

On 1 July 2019, the whistleblower protection regime in Australia was expanded to include the corporate, financial and tax sectors. In this article Kayla Scott discusses the implications of these recent changes. Overview The Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Act 2019 makes significant reforms to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Tax Administration

Whistleblower protection in Australia2019-11-19T12:06:36+11:00

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