Sports integrity

After an eight-month review into Australia’s sports integrity arrangements, the resulting report and recommendations were presented to the Commonwealth Government in March 2018. They were then made public in August 2018. On the same day that the review (known as the ‘Wood Review’) was made public, a new strategic plan for sport in Australia, Sport

Sports integrity2018-10-10T10:57:09+11:00

Does sex-segregated sport still hold value?

Catherine Ordway has authored an article published in World Sports Advocate discussing sex segregation in sport. Sports administrators and members of the public are asking: What do we mean by fairness and a ‘level playing field’? How do we define ‘women’ in women’s sport? Does binary sex segregation in sport still hold any relevance or

Does sex-segregated sport still hold value?2018-06-27T06:38:56+10:00

Now we know what the future holds! Sport Law event Canberra

After opening remarks from Kate Palmer, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Sports Commission, we were treated to a presentation on key sport law issues by Professor Jack Anderson, Director of Sports Law, University of Melbourne at the AIS on Wednesday 23 May 2018. Jack spoke strongly on the IAAF regulations and governance of women’s sport, reflecting

Now we know what the future holds! Sport Law event Canberra2022-10-04T06:00:26+11:00

How do you improve gender balance in football leadership?

There is a significant under-representation of women in senior management and leadership roles in football. Catherine Ordway, Senior Consultant with Snedden Hall & Gallop Lawyers, has been advising a newly established group representing women's football, Women Onside*. Their goal is to highlight the lack of gender balance in the governance of Australian football.  Here Catherine

How do you improve gender balance in football leadership?2018-05-02T02:00:43+10:00

Is there a governance crisis in Australian sport?

Both Allistar Twigg and Catherine Ordway are featured in an article published recently in World Sports Advocate discussing whether there is a governance crisis in Australian sport. Allistar commented on criticisms of governance voiced against the Football Federation Australia. Catherine gave her strong views on where Australia goes from here. You can read more of

Is there a governance crisis in Australian sport?2018-04-20T04:02:23+10:00

Match-fixing in Tennis: Catherine Ordway featured on ABC 7.30

On Monday night, Catherine Ordway was interviewed as part of the ABC’s 7.30pm report on match-fixing in Tennis. Catherine is a Senior Consultant in Sports Law with Snedden Hall & Gallop and an expert in sports integrity. The report includes Catherine’s comments from about 6.00 minutes. Here is a link to the video released on Monday 15

Match-fixing in Tennis: Catherine Ordway featured on ABC 7.302018-01-18T22:09:17+11:00

Same-sex marriage & your will: 4 things you need to know

On 9 December 2017 the Marriage Act (Cth)was amended to legalise same-sex marriage in Australia. It was expected the first same-sex weddings in Australia would take place on 9 January 2018, however, NSW and Victoria have already issued some waivers which allow marriages before that date.   As Helen Phelps, Lawyer with Snedden Hall & Gallop, points

Same-sex marriage & your will: 4 things you need to know2018-01-09T08:06:19+11:00

By excluding Hannah Mouncey, the AFL’s inclusion policy has failed a key test

AFL’s announcement of Hannah Mouncey’s ineligibility has caused a massive backlash in the media. Snedden Hall & Gallop’s Sport Law team of Allistar Twigg and Catherine Ordway have authored an article on The Conversation discussing the decision to exclude Mouncey, anti-discrimination law and the AFL’s public position on diversity and inclusivity. In this developing story,

By excluding Hannah Mouncey, the AFL’s inclusion policy has failed a key test2017-10-20T02:38:56+11:00

Should a doping ban = a life sentence?

Catherine Ordway, Senior Consultant with Snedden Hall & Gallop discusses whether we should be taking a blanket approach on sports doping to prevent every banned athlete from being involved in any capacity in sport. After the winner of the men’s 100m sprint, Justin Gatlin, was booed at the London World Athletics Championships this month, I

Should a doping ban = a life sentence?2017-08-25T01:29:30+10:00

AOC Election: Catherine Ordway’s expert commentary

Catherine Ordway, Senior Consultant with SHG Sports, was called on for expert commentary in the lead up to the Australian Olympic Committee board election on 5 May 2017. Here is a summary of her recent media activity: K Johansen, 'Coates, Roche in tight leadership contest', SBS World News TV, 5 May N Jeffrey and C

AOC Election: Catherine Ordway’s expert commentary2017-06-16T00:00:33+10:00

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