Update to Silica Dust Code of Practice – What you Need to Know

On 1 July 2024, a new ban commenced on the use of engineered Stone in the ACT, and updates were made to the Silica Dust Code of Practice.[1] Here’s what you need to know about the ban to avoid penalties as an employer, or to ensure you’re working in safe conditions as an employee or

Update to Silica Dust Code of Practice – What you Need to Know2024-07-23T09:15:31+10:00

Artificial Intelligence and the Law Blog

Navigating the Legal Landscape: AI Tools in Law Practice - Benefits and Risks In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the legal field is undergoing a transformative shift through the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT. These tools offer a range of promising benefits along with potential risks, influencing the practice of

Artificial Intelligence and the Law Blog2023-09-05T10:37:57+10:00

What’s Love Got To Do With It? Structuring your Affairs and Bankruptcy

Historically, transferring assets into one of the spouse’s names has been used as a method to protects assets from a trustee in bankruptcy. However, in 2020 the Federal Court explored the circumstances where transferring the family home into the name of one of the spouse’s may not protect the bankrupt’s share of the house from

What’s Love Got To Do With It? Structuring your Affairs and Bankruptcy2023-08-31T10:29:55+10:00

It is almost tax time, have you considered your income?

With tax time right around the corner, it is important as an employer or employee/contractor to consider what is income and your obligations with the Australian Tax Office (ATO). Particularly from an employment perspective, sometimes it can be unclear what exactly income is, especially if a remuneration package includes benefits that are not just money.

It is almost tax time, have you considered your income?2023-04-18T15:00:48+10:00

Anti-Discrimination in the Workplace – what should it look like?

Discrimination in the workplace can cost more than just money. It can cost the reputation of the business, and the wellbeing of staff. So, it is important that a company has sound measures in place to ensure a discrimination-free workplace. A good place to start is to develop a policy that protects workers from all

Anti-Discrimination in the Workplace – what should it look like?2022-09-29T22:44:25+10:00

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